Monday, January 4, 2010

Hip Girls

I met a fellow PAO Girly this weekend :) We have emailed, commented on blogs and chatted on FB.... She has a place about 5 minutes from me (small world) but lives north.... So great to meet and talk with a fellow PAO'er...... WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!!
I also have gotten several emails this past month....from girls looking into PAO. I know I have posted this before......but again - there is something about the age many of us were diagnosed at that age (or close to it)....... has to be more than coincidence......
My intent for this blog was to hopefully help one person.......and am glad I keep getting emails from people who have found this.....and it has helped them......
Danielle - so great to meet you....and we WILL be having beers again soon!! :)