Monday, January 4, 2010

Hip Girls

I met a fellow PAO Girly this weekend :) We have emailed, commented on blogs and chatted on FB.... She has a place about 5 minutes from me (small world) but lives north.... So great to meet and talk with a fellow PAO'er...... WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!!
I also have gotten several emails this past month....from girls looking into PAO. I know I have posted this before......but again - there is something about the age many of us were diagnosed at that age (or close to it)....... has to be more than coincidence......
My intent for this blog was to hopefully help one person.......and am glad I keep getting emails from people who have found this.....and it has helped them......
Danielle - so great to meet you....and we WILL be having beers again soon!! :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome to have finally met my 'hip mentor!' I'm game for beers =)

Unknown said...

Hi all. I'm having PAO surgery in less then 3 wks and am flipping out. I have 4 kids 10 and under and a 3 story house and have no idea how i'm going to get thru this. Can anyone tell me what i'm in for the first weeks after surgery? You can email me at ..I'd really appreciate it! - Thanks - Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Hi. I am 28 just diagnosed with CHD and have 5 kids myself 10 and under. I sent my Xrays and office notes off to Dr. Millis to be reviewed. Hopefully I will hear back soon. I have been reading a few blogs of women that have had their PAO's done by him. And all the stories are so encouraging. It makes me feel better that there are success stories out there. Katie

Ericka said...

I think you girls may be a big help for me! After reading some blogs and looking at pics I started to tear up. I'm 25 yrs old and need PAO. I found out about 4 weeks ago. I have been recommended to Dr. Millis in Boston also! I'm so happy to see his name on blogs. I haven't yet heard from his office to schedule my first consult, but the anxiety is getting to me. Any suggestions?

MY PAO STORY said...

Keep on Dr M's office....sometimes they are slow getting back to you - but he is WONDERFUL!!!!
Ask lots of questions - both to Dr M and your fellow hip girls :)

Candice said...

Hi everyone, I am 28 and recently diagnosed with Hip displaysia, after 5 years of horrible pain, thinking i had a perminatly pulled groin muscle lol. I will be having my first PAO on 4/14/10 by Dr. Murphy in Boston (New England Baptist). Has anyone gone to him, or know anyone that has had the procedure done by him? I also have to get my second hip done on 07/22/10. I'm really nervous and excited...I'm a single mother of a 6 yr old girl..I hope the recovery goes as well!!!

DYSplaced HIPster said...

It's always great to find fellow hip chicks out there! Congratulations on being active again, and recovering so well from your surgeries! I too had bilateral PAOs since late 2008, and am just now walking normally, and getting back to my life. I thought you would be interested in a support group we started for people like us. It is kind of like facebook for dysplasia patients! Visit us and make some friends :)

Rick said...

I wonder if you guys could help me out. I am a personal trainer and a new client of mine who is try to lose weight had hip displacia. She cannot do many of the normal excersises that I usually have my clients do and i've modified where I can, but I can tell that even the modified moves hurt her in the bad way. Do you guys have any tips for excersises that work for you that might help her? Anything would be appreciated!